控制颤振的方法一般均可归结为增加系统阻尼。切削系统阻尼可分为机床结构阻尼和由刀具后刀面与工件表面相互干涉而产生的阻尼,亦称为过程阻尼(process damping)。过程阻尼的建模和标定是近年国际学术界的研究热点,加拿大著名学者Altintas曾将其列为切削颤振中尚未解决的研究难点[1]。
Tlusty和Sission等人最早发现切削加工中的过程阻尼现象,随着切削速度降低,车削加工的稳定性极限可显著提高[2~4]。Sission 还归纳出,切削速度、刀具后角和刃口半径是影响过程阻尼的关键因素[4]。后来诸多学者针对过程阻尼进行研究,指出后刀面与工件表面振动波纹干涉形成的作用力是过程阻尼的来源[5~8]。文献[9]通过一系列正交试验,识别动态切削力中的过程阻尼系数,该试验由快速伺服系统控制,使得刀具以预期频率和振幅振荡,但该试验系统较为复杂,工作量很大。Budak和Tunc等人克服了试验建模的弱点,在过程阻尼建模和系数标定方面,进行了较为细致的工作[10~12]。文献[10]将正交车削的稳定性极限预测解析法和颤振实验相结合,利用二者获取的极限切深,直接标定过程阻尼系数。基于此,又结合能量分析,获取侵入力系数,之后计算侵入面积和切削力,建立车削的稳定性分析模型。文献[12]系统分析了切削参数和刀具几何参数对过程阻尼的影响。Ahmadi和Ismail等基于小振幅假设,将过程阻尼等效为线性粘性阻尼,利用半离散法,计算铣削稳定性极限,该模型具有一定局限性,预测出的稳定性极限低于实验值[13]。
钛合金材料铣削中的颤振问题,是制约航空制造加工效率的一大瓶颈。为保证刀具寿命,钛合金材料基本以较低速度进行切削。这时如果按照传统的线性模型,稳定性极限很低,按照线型模型选择切深,将对加工效率非常不利。本文针对此问题,建立了考虑过程阻尼的非线性铣削动力学模型,计算由犁耕效应形成的侵入面积,以及过程阻力。通过时域仿真方法计算临界切深。实验结果表明,本文提出的计入过程阻尼的非线性计算模型能够较为准确地预测钛合金加工时低速区的稳定性极限。这样就为钛合金加工时,常规工作速度下的参数选择提供了必要参考。 参考文献:
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Abstract: The process damping in milling of Titanium alloy is analyzed and verified experimentally. Titanium alloy used commonly in aviation industry is one typical difficulttomachine material. Chatter usually occurs in machining of Titanium alloy because of high unit cutting force, which results in poor surface quality and damaged tool. Thus, chatter is one serious restriction for the quality and efficiency of aeronautical manufacture. The process damping results from ploughing effect, which was caused by interference between flank face and machined surface. The paper calculates the indentation area and resistance caused by interference in the milling of typical Titanium alloy and establish nonlinear model which consider process damping. The computing results indicate that limit cutting depth at low speed can be improved significantly relative to linear model and the experimental results indicates that the model can predict stability limitation at low speed accurately.
Key words: milling; chatter; Titanium alloy; process damping; ploughing effect.